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Week beginning 19th April 2022

Welcome back everyone!  We hope you had a wonderful Easter break! 

This week in class we have been using our imagination to support our writing as we completed our focus on the text 'The Last Noo-Noo' to write our final part of the story.  We then moved on to a familiar traditional tale 'The Three Little pigs', talking and writing about our favourite part of the story.  We have also been correcting errors in passages from the story and writing them out correctly.  

In maths we have had a focus on subtraction taking away a single digit number from a single digit number moving to taking away from a 2 digit number.  We have practised using our fingers to subtract and counting back on number lines as well as using tens grids to subtract.  At the end of the week we read and solved some number problems linked to subtraction. 

In Art we have started a new topic linked to sculpture and the children have loved looking at a wide range of sculptures by different sculptors from different countries.  They chose one of their favourite sculptures to write about.  In DT we completed our project about gears, levers and pulleys and made a sliding mechanism linked to our story of 'The three little pigs'.

Next week we will be continuing with our story from this week and also continuing with our work on subtraction.  We will be starting a to learn a new song about using our imagination in our Charanga music lessons. 


Thank you to all of the children and families who joined in with our early morning activity session out on the front playground, and I'm sure you will all agree it was great fun and a sure success. I'm sure the children will get lots of use out of the games in the future. 


Please can you make sure that your child comes into school each day with their reading book and reading record so that we are able to monitor their reading at home and we can sign to say when they have read at school.  Just a gentle reminder that we do have our library session on a Wednesday, so please return each week so that your child can make the most of the opportunity to visit the library and bring books home for you all to share. 


Thank you 

Mrs Scanzi
