Week beginning 18/10/21
This week we have been learning about the signs of Autumn. We have been on an Autumn walk and discovered that the leaves on the trees are changing colour and falling to the ground. We have seen huge apples on the trees in the Forest School area and found out about the food that is growing becoming ripe and ready to harvest. We have read a story about a squirrel who is gathering acorns ready for the winter. We have learned that some animals, like hedgehogs, hibernate for the winter and birds begin to migrate to warmer countries. We have gathered lots of signs of Autumn for our classroom and the children have enjoyed looking at them with magnifying glasses, sorting them and talking about what they have found out.
We have had some giant pumpkins in our outside area this week! We have looked at the inside of the pupmkins and learned about the parts-the skin, the pulp and the seeds. The children have really enjoyed scooping out the pulp and collecting the seeds.
Nori found some amazing mushrooms and brought them in to show the class. We talked about the fact that some mushrooms are poisonous and we should not eat them. Nori brought in some plastic gloves to handle the mushrooms so she did not touch them directly. We have to make sure we stay safe!