Week beginning 16th May 2022
In English this week, we have been using a range of persuasive techniques and modal verbs when writing, The children wrote a letter to a crew member on the Endurance mission to Antarctica. The class also held a debate, debating for and against leaving the mission at camp.
We were also so lucky to have a visit from Bob, an explorer, this week. Bob shared his experiences of his explorations as well as showing and demonstrating the equipment needed on a mission. This linked great to our topic about Shackleton!
In Maths we began looking at converting between units of measure. We used the skill of multiplying and dividing by either 10, 100 and 1000 to support us. We are carrying on to solve problems converting with measures next week too!
This week we started out DT unit 'slippers'. The aim is to develop sewing techniques and create our own slippers. This week, the children began by exploring a range of slippers, looking at material and function and creating initial designs out of paper.
We created some Jubilee Art this week. Have a look at our creations!