Week beginning 16th May 2022
Dear everyone,
Thank you to all the parents who made it along to our Phonics screening test information session on Monday. Please ask if you didn't collect a pack so that you can do some practise over the holidays ready for the first week back.
This week we have been writing about the feelings of the characters in our new story 'Voices in the park' and talking about our own experiences of visiting the park. The children have worked really hard sequencing events in the story and writing the story using time connectives like 'then', 'next', 'after that' to show the passage of time. We will continue with this text into next week.
In maths we have had a major focus on solving word problems especially linked to part-whole models. The children have had to explain what the change is in the problem and we have been identifying the important maths information in the problems. Then we moved on to drawing part-whole models and writing the matching calculations.
In geography the class have loved finding out more about what it would be like to live in a colder climate in the North Pole. We have had lots of discussions and had a good look at a globe.
We have been starting to do a little practise ready for our assembly for the first week back after half term. Please look out for any words in your child's book bag so that you can practise these over the half term!
Today we have been starting to make some decorations in readiness for our Queen's Jubilee celebrations next Wednesday when the children are allowed to come into school dressed in red, white and blue! Please remember that we are still going swimming on that day though!
Have a super weekend everyone!
Mrs Scanzi