Week beginning 13th September 2021
This week the children have been taking votes to find out which author they might like to have our class named after. The results are in and we are now Morpurgo Class. The children were very animated when discussing his books.
We have finished our diary recount of Traction Man and have started a new book called Wolves in the Walls by Neil Giaman. It appears to be quite dark at the start but has some funny parts. The children have really enjoyed echo reading- where they copy the expression, volume and phrasing- to help with reading fluency and it sparked their imagination! The children had a great time creating the scene after the wolves come out of the walls and freeze framing it. (Photo of their freeze frame)
The children have continued to explore place value this week and looked at rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 etc. Please talk to your children and have a practise of a few numbers as this will help consolidate their learning.
In Science we have begun looking at Forces and how all forces are a pull or push force. We discussed air resistance, gravity and water resistance to name a few forces.
For Geography we have begun our exploration of Mexico and have been looking at the physical features of the country. The river Rio Bravo and the Chihuahuan desert are two of the many features we looked at.
Next week we will be looking at Mexico, Forces and Negative numbers to name a few.