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  • Cooke 91%
  • Ahlberg 92%
  • Kipling 91%
  • Jeffers 91%
  • Milligan 93%
  • Rowling 91%
  • Morpurgo 93%
  • Shakespeare 92%

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Week beginning 13.9.2021

This week in Year 3, the children have been busy bees! They all worked hard on drafting and rewriting Traction Man. We focused on basic punctuation (full stops and capital letters), powerful verbs and WOW words. Some of the children included paragraphs in their writing which was fantastic! All of them did a great job and I was very proud. They even shared their writing with the Year 2 children.


In maths, we are still focusing on place value of three digit numbers and recognising the hundreds, tens and units. I have set mathletics activities, which links in with our maths learning at school.


We have started our rocks topic, we discussed natural and human made rocks and what signs help indicate if they are a naturally made. The children learnt that marble, sandstone, chalk, basalt are all natural rocks. Brick, cement and coade stone are all human made types of rock.


In our history lesson, we have been learning about the chronological order of key events during the Stone Age. Also, to try and teach the children how the Stone Age was around 15000 BC which means before Christ. Key words in history this week: Palaeolithic, Neolithic, chronological, duration, BC and AD.


We had a class vote this week for our new class name. The children suggested: Milligan, Dahl, Dickens, Wilson and Walliams. The winner was a very popular author (as he received 15 votes) which was MILLIGAN! So, as of Monday we are now Milligan class.


Have a lovely weekend J
