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  • Cooke 92.6%
  • Ahlberg 89.3%
  • Kipling 88.6%
  • Jeffers 87.9%
  • Milligan 89.6%
  • Rowling 92.2%
  • Morpurgo 92.8%
  • Shakespeare 95.1%

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Week beginning 10th January 2022

I am so proud of the children and their positive attitude to their learning after returning from the Christmas holidays. 

We have been looking at Floella Benjamin's book 'Coming to England' and working towards creating a biography on her, using subheadings, fronted adverbials of time and parenthesis for extra information. The children have had some very mature discussion when finding out about Floellas experiences in Trinidad and once she got to England- not all of them were positive. 

In Maths the children have been exploring equivalent fractions, improper fractions and mixed number fractions and most recently converting improper to mixed number and vice versa. 

The children have been exploring the work of Chris Ofili, a British artist and have created a piece of art inspired by ' No woman No Cry' 1998 and have used some of the techniques observed in Chris's work. 

In Geography, we have begun. a new topic of rivers and coasts and the children have been identifying the features of a river and finding out about the journey of a river. 
