Week 7 - Monday 11th October 2021
Hello, hope you have all had a lovely week so far!
This week in English we have been planning a persuasive speech, to be given by The King, telling people why the dark should be banned. We have focused on making our sentences longer writing the introduction for this with subordinating conjunctions.
In Math's our focus this week was using formal addition, initially without regrouping, then with regrouping 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers. We played a regrouping game to help us, which the children loved.
This half term in Spanish the class have been learning greetings, names, ages and where they live! “vivo en Inglaterra”
History this week was comparing ancient Olympic games with those we have today. The fact the Ancient Greeks competing were only male and they did it all in the nude, caused the biggest shock, imagine riding a horse with no saddle, kick boxing or wrestling!? The children found this especially funny!
We are really excited for our Ancient Greek day on Wednesday, it will really bring the topic to life!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Atkinson and Mrs Light