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Week 6 - Week Beginning 4th October 2021

This week Nursery have been really busy learning lots of new skills! During Phonics we have been particularly focusing on developing our listening skills. We have played some listening games in our classroom and we made some listening ears and went on a listening walk around the school building and grounds. During our listening walk we heard lots of different sounds including; children talking, birds, planes, cars and some machines for the building site nearby. 


Below are some photos of our listening walk and some links to the games we played to practise our listening skills. Why not go on a listening walk at home or in your local park? Or have ago at some of the listening games below at home.

Listening Game - Phase 1 Phonics - School Sounds

Listening Game - Phase 1 Phonics - Listening and Attention Skills Listening skills can be difficult to master for many children. Help children develop their ...
