Week 5 - Week Beginning 27th September 2021
This week Nursery went to our school library for the first time! Each Thursday we will be going to the library to choose a new story to share at home. Every child will have a bookmark in their book with their name on, some tips for sharing books at home and a reminder that our library day in Thursday!
Please share your child's library book over and over again with them at home! Young children learn so much from reading the same story again and again! Then on Thursday please ensure you send your child's book back in so we can swap it for a new one!
Each week as part of our library visit we will be developing our understanding of books and print by focusing on theses Communication and Language and Literacy elements from Development Matters:
- Enjoy listening to longer stories and can remember much of what happens.
- Know many rhymes, be able to talk about familiar books, and be able to tell a long story.
- Understand the five key concepts about print:
- print has meaning
- print can have different purposes
- we read English text from left to right and from top to bottom
- the names of the different parts of a book
- page sequencing
- Engage in extended conversations about stories, learning new vocabulary.