Week 5 - Monday 4th July 2022
Hello parents and carers,
Hope you are all well. It is so lovely to be back at school, I really missed all the children and am beginning to get quite sad about them moving on next year. However, Mr Donnellan is a great teacher and they will all be in good hands!
This week the children performed their Rio dance and Mrs Light very kindly recorded it and sent it to me, I will post the video below. I was so impressed with each and every child - well done Rowling class!
In maths this week the children have been recapping long multiplication, next week we will continue to recap multiplication facts.
In science this week we done some experiments where we looked at the three states of water, we will continue learning about the water cycle next week.
In art we used cardboard and tin foil to create 3D relief pictures. We used Sokari Douglas Camp as inspiration. Next week we will be writing our evaluations on our finished products.
Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the sunshine but stay safe!
Miss Atkinson