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  • Cooke 91%
  • Ahlberg 92%
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  • Morpurgo 93%
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Week 5 - Monday 29th November 2021

Hello everyone, I hope you are well and have had a nice week. It has been very quiet this week in Year 4 with PCR tests going around left, right and centre. Thank you to everyone who has followed the guidelines and got your child tested as soon as you noticed one or some symptoms, it is what keeps us safe.


This week in English we have been learning about kenning poems and then read some great kenning style poems by Steve Turner, the children really enjoyed learning a repertoire of poems.


In maths we have continued working on time, looking particularly at adding, subtracting and the duration of time. Next week we will be looking at finding unknown start and end times of  duration.


In science this week we learnt about how sounds travels and we made our own string telephones. We learned that the voice vibrates the cup and the vibrations pass along the string to the other cup and into the ear ear.


That’s all for this week, have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

Miss Atkinson and Mrs Light
