Week 5 - Monday 27th September 2021
Hello, Miss Atkinson here again. Hope you have all had a lovely week.
This week in English we finished our book, ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ we wrote some fantastic narratives based around the book. Below are some examples. Next week we will be starting our new focus text which is ‘The King who Banned the Dark’ By Emily Haworth-Booth. We will be focusing on prepositions.
This week in Maths we have been looking at 4 digit numbers and either rounding them to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. This is a concept that all children struggled with so we will continue with rounding next week.
The class have made a fantastic book all about Ancient Greece. We answered some questions we had such as “where did they live?”, “how did they make things?”, “what did they eat and drink?”, “what jobs did they do?” etc…
Next week in science we will be looking at conductors and insulators when making a circuit. The children have really been enjoying this topic and were all really impressed with themselves when they made a circuit to light a lightbulb!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Atkinson and Mrs Light