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Week 2 - Monday 6th September 2021

Good afternoon! What a great full first week in Year 4! They have all settled nicely into their new class and have adjusted really well to having two class teachers, we have both enjoyed getting to know all the children.


We spent the first two days of school writing our Year 4 class charter and the children have all signed this, as well as the teachers, to make sure we keep to our learning promise. We also talked about ‘Our Safety Network’ and what it looks like. Ask your child who is in their safety network?


We have started a new class Guided Reading book this week, ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter' by Philip Paulman. It is a lovely story about a girl called Lila who doesn’t just want to just be a Firework Makers daughter but a Firework Maker herself. The children are really enjoying this book and we have spent time this week focusing on retrieving information and summarising chapter one.


Our story for English (which is a whole school text) is called ‘Traction Man’ which is all about an action figure who saves objects from around the house. We have been writing a diary recount from Traction Man’s perspective and these will be used for our whole school display.


This week in Maths we have been recapping on some of last year’s work which included; recognising the hundreds, tens and ones/units in a three digit number; comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000; solving number and practical problems; revisiting o ‘clock, half past, and 5 minute intervals and the 2, 5 and 10 times tables 


Next week we will be starting our Year 4 catch up scheme using the Herts for Learning Essential Maths programme and will be concentrating on place value of numbers up to 1000.


In History we will be learning about Ancient Greece. We have got some questions we would like answered during this topic, we put these questions together on our transition morning.


And finally, we hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sun! See you on Monday.

Miss Atkinson and Mrs Light
