WC 7th March 2022
We’ve had another week full of fun and learning in Milligan Class.
In English we continued with our work on non chronological reports about pirates. We did some research on the chrome books and enjoyed thinking of some actions for our text map.
A Pirates Life: Perfect or Painful?

In Maths we’ve extended our learning on fractions this week, we are now able to compare and order them and we’re beginning to look at equivalence.
In music we listened to ‘Night on Bald Mountain’ Composition by Mussorgsky. While we listened we drew the music in the air before letting the music take our pencils for a walk across the page.
You could try this at home with different types of music to compare them, which music style do you think would make the most interesting line?
Let the music take control 🎶

It’s well-being week so we have been sure to take some time to focus on this. We really enjoyed our relaxing meditation session - some of us relaxed so much we had a lovely siesta!
Using our senses we mixed herbs to create potions, stopped and listened to our surroundings before creating art inspired by what we heard and we felt our way around nature in forest school guided by our friends.
In class we discussed the impact of words. We passed our ‘hearts’ around the classroom and our friends wrote words that best described us to fill them with kindness and positivity! It was great to see how this made everyone feel!
Well done for all of your hard work this week! An extra round of a claws to our stars of the day!
We like to celebrate success both in and outside of school so we’d like to say congratulations to Max who has been invited to Herts county under 9 chess team and Sienna who was the star of the week for her awesome attitude at gymnastics!
Please come back to our page next week!