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W.C. 4th October 2021

This week, we begun our Art Topic. We are looking at the skill of drawing. On Monday, we created a mood board of artists, all who draw birds in different ways. We discussed the techniques used and which artist we liked, disliked and why.  On Tuesday, we carried out some observational drawings of feathers, which were fantastic! We tried using different techniques to create texture and tone within our drawings.  Next week, we will begin designing our final outcomes. Keep your eyes peeled! 


In Science, we have been studying Classification.  We have re-capped our previous learning through using classification keys to sort animals as well as creating our own animal. This week, we were looking at micro-organisms. We have started an experiment which will go on for some time. We are investigating mould! We chose a line of investigation either: 'How does the environment affect the growth the mould?'  or 'How does the procedure of handwashing affect the growth of mould?'.  We used bread in sealed plastic bags and either placed them in different environments around the school or touched the bread with washed and unwashed hands. 


In English, we have written our stories based around 'Wisp'. I am so incredibly proud of all the class for working so hard on their stories and using this based to create their own. 


Well done Year 6!
