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  • Cooke 91%
  • Ahlberg 92%
  • Kipling 91%
  • Jeffers 91%
  • Milligan 93%
  • Rowling 91%
  • Morpurgo 93%
  • Shakespeare 92%

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WC 28th February 2022

Another busy week in Milligan Class.


We started off in English creating our own pirates and decided what things were good about being a pirate and things that weren’t so appealing… Once we gathered all of our information it was time for a class debate! Both sides had some very convincing points but safe to say I think we will be keeping our feet firmly on dry land for now at least…

In Maths we have worked very hard to consolidate our learning on fractions. There was also time to enjoy times table rockstars on the chrome books - remember you can log on at home to boost your scores!

As it’s book week and we’ve worked so hard it was only right to take some DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time in the library with a few good books. 

We enjoyed dressing up as a word to celebrate World Book Day. Thank you for all of your efforts there were lots of very creative and unique outfits! Take a look at the pictures can you guess any of our words? 

We also had some fantastic ‘dress a spoon’ entries - Hedgewig, Rapunzel, The BFG, Tottenham HotSPOON (can you guess which of our Milligan staff loved this one) and lots more take a look!

We hope those of you that were able to come enjoyed our books at bedtime, we certainly did. 

Well done for all of your hard work this week year 3, as always we’re very proud of you all. An extra well done to all of our stars of the day.

Check back next week to see what we get up to in Milligan class. 
