WC 11th July 2022
It’s the penultimate week in Milligan Class but we’ve been a busy as ever!
The real highlight of the week was our Ancient Egyptian WOW day! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves being able to explore our topic with a more hands on approach! Our outfits rivalled those of the great Pharaohs of Egypt. We dived straight in by raiding the class tomb, we examined many Egyptian treasures and guessed what they could be and what they were used for…
After exploring the treasures of Ancient Egypt we made some of our own - necklaces and death masks.
We looked at the hieroglyph alphabet and had a go at writing our names, it’s not as easy as we first thought.
We learned to walk like an Egyptian (or maybe we should say dance)

Like Cleopatra we bathed in milk and honey to keep our skin bright and youthful - not that we need it!
In groups we went on a hieroglyphics hunt. We used our ancient map of the field to locate the hidden clues. Once we collected all of the hieroglyphics we had to translate them in order to find our password into the ‘AFTERLIFE’.
Before we could transition into the afterlife we needed to construct our pyramids. Maybe using limestone like the Egyptians did would have been a better idea but spaghetti and marshmallows was a fun challenge!
Finally time to wrap some mummies… we took turns wrapping each other with a 2 minute time limit. Who do you think would be best preserved?
In all the loo roll excitement we forgot to properly prepare the bodies for the afterlife… luckily our teachers were on hand to show us how this was done!
We all met in the afterlife and found our way back to the present where we had ice lollies waiting. We had a fantastic day and learned a lot!
Thank you for all the amazing effort you put into the children’s costumes! Everyone really looked the part.
Absolutely everything about year 3 is WOW and we hope you enjoyed sharing their learning this week. Join us next week for our final week in Milligan class!