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  • Cooke 91%
  • Ahlberg 92%
  • Kipling 91%
  • Jeffers 91%
  • Milligan 93%
  • Rowling 91%
  • Morpurgo 93%
  • Shakespeare 92%

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Jeffers class Year 2

Welcome to Jeffers' Class Page!


We are a class of 20 bubbly, enthusiastic learners ready to take on this year with a positive mental attitude. We strive to always try our best and are believers in being able to achieve anything with time - See subheading ' The Power of Yet'


Our teacher is Mrs James and we are supported in class by our learning support assistant Miss Nurse. We always aim to work together as a team to ensure that we all progress together and maintain a high level of communication.


Please come back to the website (headteachers blog) each week to see what exciting learning we have been doing.


NB. This half term Forest School will be on a Tuesday, dance will be on a Wednesday and PE will be on a Thursday. Please bring the correct change of clothes to school in a named bag. 
